
The Input component enables user data entry and interaction within forms or interfaces.

default Input

Input field with icon

Disabled Input field

error handle for input field

give a valid email address


Explore the available props for the Input component

typestringtextThe "type" props specifies the type of Input component to display.
valuestring-The value of Input component.
placeholderstring-Placeholder text.
iconEnableboolean-Is icon enable.
iconstringfa-envelopeIcon name for input
iconLibrarystringfont-awesomeIcon library name.
font-awesome bootstrap-icons icon-font
labelstring-Label text for the input field.
labelPositionstringbeforePosition of the label.
before after
labelRequiredIconstring | ReactElement*Icon to indicate required label.
errorbooleantrueIs the error message enable.
helperTextstringIncorrect ValueError text.
disabledboolean-Is the input field disabled.
requiredboolean-Is the input field required.
autoCompletestringonautoComplete value.
stylestring-Any CSS className to style the Input component.
inputStylestring-Any CSS className to style the Input field.
iconStylestring-Any CSS className to style the Input Icon.
errorStylestring-Any CSS className to style the error message.
disabledStylestring-Any CSS className to style the disabled field.
requiredStylestring-Any CSS className to style the required field.
labelStylesstring-Any CSS className to style the label.