
The Image component allows user to display image.

Default Image

Default Image

Image With LightBox

Image With LightBox

Image With Caption

Image With Caption
This is Image Caption.


Explore the available props for the Image component

srcstringdivSource of image.
altTextstringdivAlternative Text of image.
imageCaptionstringdivCaption for image.
captionEnabledbooleandivIs caption enable.
isLinkboolean-Is the image linkable?
linkTostring-URL or link.
targetstring_selfSpecifies where to open the linked document when the link is clicked.
lightBoxboolean-Is lightBox enable?
lightBoxImageSrcstringsrc valueSource for lightBox image.
lightBoxCaptionEnabledboolean-Is lightBox caption enable?
lightBoxCaptionstring-Caption for lightbox image.
stylestring-Any CSS className to style the image wrapper.
imageStylestring-Any CSS className to style the image.
captionStylestring-Any CSS className to style the image caption.
lightBoxStylestring-Any CSS className to style the lightbox.
lightBoxImageStylestring-Any CSS className to style the lightbox image.
lightBoxCaptionStylestring-Any CSS className to style the lightbox image caption.
closeButtonStylestring-Any CSS className to style the lightbox close button.