
The Card component is a versatile UI element used for structured content presentation in web development, featuring a container with customizable layout, content area, and interactive elements.

Default Card



Nature is the embodiment of the Earth's beauty, encompassing everything from lush forests and towering mountains to serene lakes and vibrant ecosystems.

Card with action


Explore the available props for the Card component

stylestring-Any CSS className to style the Card.
childrennode-Child components and content to be placed within it.

Explore the available props for the CardMedia component

srcstring-Image src or link.
badgestring-Badge content.
badgePositionstring-Position of the badge.
stylestring-Any CSS className to style the Avatar.
mediaStylestring-Any CSS className to style the media.
badgeStylestring-Any CSS className to style the badge.
childrennode-Child components and content to be placed within it.

Explore the available props for the CardContent component

stylestring-Any CSS className to style the Card.
childrennode-Child components and content to be placed within it.

Explore the available props for the CardAction component

linkstring-URL or link.
targetstring_selfSpecifies where to open the linked document when the link is clicked.
stylestring-Any CSS className to style the CardAction.
childrennode-Child components and content to be placed within it.